2-7 Triple Draw (henceforth called 'Triple Draw' and also known as 'Lowball') is a pretty form of poker where the goal is to make the worst possible five card hand. The game can only be played with a maximum of six players in a hand since there aren't enough cards in the deck to ensure more could be accommodated. 2-7 Triple Draw is a draw variant of poker and uses a lowball hand ranking system. In draw variants, players may discard cards from their hand and replace them with cards from the deck. The draw typically occurs before each betting round and occurs three times in 2-7 Triple Draw hence the name “Triple Draw”.

Gameplay of 2-7 Triple Draw Poker

2-7 draw poker rules
  • Setting Up

    • You'll need: a button, small & big blinds (similar to Texas Hold'em).
    • Deal each player 5 cards, face down.
    • Use a limit betting structure (such as $3/$6)
  • The Action

    • Action starts to the left of the big blind. You may fold, call or raise.
    • After the 1st betting round, draw 0-5 cards. Then betting resumes to the left of the button.
    • A total of three draws occur.
  • Determining a Winner

    • Worst possible hand wins, so the best hand is the wheel: 2-3-4-5-7, offsuit.
    • Note: straights and flushes DO count against you in this game, and aces play as high only.
    • The player with the worst hand scoops the pot. In the event of a tie, the pot is split.

Basic Strategies of 2-7 Triple Draw Poker

PokerPoker 2-7 rules card game
  • Pre-Draw

    Like most poker games with a button, position is a big factor in 2-7 Triple Draw.

    Knowing how many cards your opponent draws before you is key to formulating your strategy.

    Consider adjusting the number of cards you draw based on your opponent's play.

  • Drawing

    As a general rule, you should fold if you must draw more than 2 cards in the early drawing rounds.

    Never draw 3 cards on the first draw, unless you get a free draw or you start with exactly 2 and 7 in your hand

    Think about folding if you must draw more than 1 card in the later drawing rounds.

  • Betting

    Betting takes place before the first draw and after each draw. If you draw fewer cards than your opponent, you can generally bet out before the next draw.

    There is no such thing as slow-playing a big hand since your opponent will see how many cards you take before the next betting round.

What You Need to Know About 2-7 Triple Draw Starting Hands

  • Good Starting Hands

    Play these hands in all positions (and for a raise):

    • All pat hands of 9 or better
    • All 4-card hands of 8 or better.
    • All 3-card hands containing wheel cards.
  • Poor Starting Hands

    Never play these hands:

    • All hands with three cards valued 8 or above (except for hands containing exactly a 2 and a 7).
    • All hands with 0 or 1 wheel cards (2-3-4-5-7).
  • Marginal Starting Hands

    Play these hands cheaply:

    • All two card hands containing exactly a 2 and a 7.
  • Positional Hands

    Play in late position when folded to you:

    • On the button and hand contains two wheel cards and an 8 (occasionally a 9 depending on the blinds)
    • In the small blind play any three card hands containing two wheel cards and an 8 or 9

Do's and Don'ts for Better 2-7 Triple Draw Play

  • Never Limp Early

    Because position is so important, you should never limp into a pot in early position.

  • Try Getting Heads-up

    Playing heads-up pots in position is important. Try to reduce the number of players to two by 3-betting hands early.

  • Don't Bluff

    Bluffing (also called snowing) should be reserved for advanced players, and even then, rarely used. This is good advice for all limit-type-games.


Famous 2-7 Poker Hands

  • 2-7 Single Draw Poker : Action from the 2004 WSOP

    Big name players including Barry Greenstein, Howard Lederer, and Chris Ferguson play at the 2004 final table of the WSOP Kansas City Lowball event.

    This Video Contains:

    1. Ferguson doubles up an amateur, 'Jesus heals another cripple'.
    2. Standard banter among the big names.
    3. A brief history of 2-7 Triple Draw.
  • 2-7 Triple Draw Poker : Action from a High Stakes Cash Game

    Big name players including Gus Hansen, and Tom Dwan play a $1500/$3000 limit 2-7 cash game on the old Full Tilt.

    This Video Contains:

    1. Pots in excess of $30,000 USD.
    2. Multiple hands which contain all 3 draws.
    3. Note: This video has no sound.

Where Can I Play 2-7 Triple Draw Online?

  • Try for Free:

  • Play for Real Money:

One of the fastest growing card games around is 2-7 Lowball. This game has become more and more prominent in the mixed rotations in live high-stakes card games and has recently been introduced online.

2-7 Lowball is a Draw game in which the object is to make the worst poker hand possible. In 2-7 the deuce is low and the ace is high. Also, straights and flushes count against a player, therefore the best hand is not 2-3-4-5-6; rather it is 2-3-4-5-7. There are four possible “sevens” a player can make, and they are labeled #1, 2, 3, and 4. Number 1 is the nut 7 mentioned above, #2 is 2-3-4-6-7, #3 is 2-3-5-6-7 and #4 is 2-4-5-6-7. As you can see, the strength of the hand is determined downward, working from the highest card first. Therefore 4-5-6-8-9 would beat 2-3-4-5-T. When both players end with pairs, the lower pair wins, when both players end with the same pair, the lower kicker wins. Once again, if a player has a hand of the same suit, it cannot be used as a low hand.

There are two types of 2-7 lowball, single draw and triple draw.

Poker 2-7 Rules Rule

2-7 Single Draw – Single draw is typically played as either a No-Limit or Pot-Limit game. Because of the restrictions of cards in the deck, tables typically max at 7 players. Each player will be dealt five cards, face down. As in other draw games there is a dealer button, Small Blind and Big Blind. Action starts from the player left of the Big Blind. Players will fold, call, or raise during the first betting round. Once the betting round is over, players will then draw anywhere from zero (known as “standing pat”) to five cards, attempting to make the best (or worst) hand. Once all players have drawn cards, the first player to the left of the dealer button will act first. They have the option to check or bet, and all subsequent players will then have the options to check/call/bet/raise/fold. After this “single” betting round is completed, players will show their hands and the best low-hand will win the pot.

2-7 Triple Draw – The second form of 2-7 is triple draw. This game is more popular in a limit format; however, it is still played as a pot-limit or no-limit game from time to time. Because of the numerous cards being drawn, this game is typically played with a maximum of six players. Also, if the deck were to run out of cards, the remaining discarded cards will be shuffled and play will continue. The object of the game is the same as single draw; however, instead of having just one draw, there are three drawing rounds. This makes for four betting rounds, one pre-draw, and one after each subsequent drawing round. Just as in single draw players can draw anywhere from zero to five cards. Players wishing to “stand pat” after the first or second draw can still draw cards in later drawing rounds if they deem necessary, otherwise they can just stay pat in future rounds.

2-7 Draw Poker Rules

In limit formats of the game the first two betting rounds work in increments of the Big Blind, and in the final two rounds the betting rounds work in increments of 2X the Big Blind (also known as a Big Bet). In each betting round the maximum number of bets that each player can make is four. When the fourth bet is placed the pot is deemed to be “capped” meaning players can no longer raise during this round. Therefore, the maximum amount of money a player can lose in any given pot is 24 Big Blinds or 12 Big Bets.

Poker 2-7 Rules Dice Game

You can find 2-7 Lowball games on PokerStars!